
Operation Ark talk in Frisco, Texas on the 25th October

Save the date - 25th October 2024

Pen Farthing is extremely pleased to announce he will be presenting the true story of Operation Ark, on the 25th October in Frisco, Texas along with a book signing and general chat about the work of Nowzad today.

The amazing folks at the Drury Inn and Suites, 2880 Dallas Parkway, Frisco have kindly donated the venue free of charge and even included welcome drinks for those attending! Please visit their Facebook page here

The event will start at 5.30pm

Magdalena from Procurement Strategy Group has also kindly donated her time to arrange what will definitely be an informative night as Pen discusses the truth around the Nowzad NFP evacuation of 171 animals and 67 people from Kabul during the American withdrawal from Afghanistan in August of 2021. He will be utilising video, photos and What’s App the messages from evacuation to describe in detail how the fateful events of those two weeks played out in real time.

Pen can’t wait to present the truth to an American audience and had this to say, “I am truly grateful to Magdelana from Procurement Strategy Group along with the team from the Drury Inn and Suites for giving me the opportunity to present the true facts of Operation Ark.

For three years the narrative portrayed that our evacuation efforts was only about ‘Pets over people’ and I was branded a villain by the British Government and the UK media, all of which could not have been farther from the truth - now with the publication of Operation Ark I can finally attempt to clear my name”. 

Pen’s book Operation Ark has not been published in the US and so this evening will be your opportunity to purchase a copy directly from Pen after the event.

Book your place today via this link - places are limited.

Operation Ark talk in Frisco, Texas on the 25th October