
Past Rescues


These are just a selection of the amazing rescues that the Nowzad team with your generous support, have been able to achieve since the charity was formed in 2007. Please click on a rescue to read more.

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Poppy & Maxchat

Poppy & Maxchat Poppy & Maxchat Poppy & Maxchat

Poppy was found at the side of the road next to her 2 dead siblings in Basrah, Iraq when she was so young. Her mum was nowhere to be seen so contractor Adam and his team picked her up and took her back to their base. They could not bear to think she would suffer the same fate.

Maxchat came along shortly when Adam and his team saw some Iraqi Guards not treating the young pup too well. They sent one of their local workers to speak to the guards and after some negotiation Max was handed over to Adam.

Both dogs thrived living with the British contractors but with the prospect of the lads returning to the UK Nowzad was approached to help rescue both pups.

Poppy ended up living with Adam and his family but Maxchat was too much of a handful for the contractor family who took him on. So now Maxchat lives with Nowzad founder Pen and Hannah in rural Devon. He is still a handful but he is loved to pieces!

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