
Past Rescues


These are just a selection of the amazing rescues that the Nowzad team with your generous support, have been able to achieve since the charity was formed in 2007. Please click on a rescue to read more.

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Cash Cash

Cash found his way into the heart of a contractor in Iraq when he was just 3 months old in September 2014.

He was known as the small dark spotted orphan of the camp, his mother was nowhere to be found as she had either abandoned him or had died, no one was really sure.

One day, Cash wandered to the door of a British contractor. The contractor saw no harm in letting him in for a few minutes for some tuna fish and a cuddle. In that moment, Cash had found himself a forever home.

Following many highs, lows and plenty of hard work, we managed to get Cash to the safety of the Welcome Home Kennels in Amman where he spent the next four months where we fundraised and prepared for Cash’s final trek to his forever home.

Cash touched down in the UK in February 2015, where he was collected by his owner’s girlfriend and taken home, where he has settled in tremendously!

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